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The Dance of Life
Passion Lives Here!

Trance dancing is one of the easiest way
to celebrate and heal your life.
The magic of Trance dance occurs when
the dancer disappears and becomes the dance.
Then you are dancing with the whole universe.

First of all, thank you for the meeting; participating in the Trance Dance was instructive, and your words were definitely enlightening. Having that vision of the wolf and then hearing your explanation shook me a lot. If the wolf is my spirit animal, I feel I have never listened to it in my life, except in the early years up to adolescence. When I abandon something, it's not out of laziness or lack of will, but because a "something" inside me triggers that tells me that this is not my place, that it's not what I really should be doing, and after Trance Dancing I began to think that it is my "inner wolf" who tells me all this, who wants to push me to indulge his nature.

I felt free. The body moved as an independent energy source. The music was perfect and the rhythms took me on an inner journey that left me regenerated and relaxed. Truly a beautiful experience that I absolutely want to do again!
It was really intense, but at the same time I didn't feel any fatigue. I was full of energy and felt the emotions coming out of my body, my throat, my feet. With dance it was possible to dissolve many tensions. And... my headache is gone!

During the ritual I had snakes approaching my legs I never felt fear. I continued to dance in their sweet company; one of them climbed up my right leg and a few moments later I felt a warmth emanating from within. I was the snake; I felt I was moving like a snake and I felt the same power a snake feels, knowing inside me that if I felt so much heat, I could call the spirits of the wind. Strong, exciting and powerful, vivid experience.

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TRANCE DANCE at festival with live music

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